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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Learned from Las Vegas: DHUB Design Museum, Barcelona, by MBM

DHUB: a shed with a duck stapled on top of it?

This building is important. It occupies a prominent site at the intersection of Barcelona’s three most important
thoroughfares. But not only that: a chunk of it has been
allowed to 
singularly invade public airspace over Gran Via, the longest,
straightest and most important of these avenues. Just to give us an idea,
La Sagrada Familia is among the few other buildings in Barcelona permitted
to occupy public airspace
over a major street:
when completed, the
Glory façade’s monumental
entrance steps will arch over Carrer de Mallorca. The name of the new
building, “Disseny Hub”, also exudes importance, suggesting that it is
a point of network centrality, not unlike an international

It turns out that this important
building is a design institution, not a transportation interchange, although
 the jet-setting Wallpaperazzi are sure to make it a stopover on their globe-trotting itineraries.
Among Barcelona’s locals, meanwhile, this building’s pronounced cantilever has
already earned it the sobriquet of “la grapadora”, or the stapler; astutely
reflecting today’s growing complicity between architecture, design and

But this monumental stapler is in fact only a small component of a
much larger building; a mere hood ornament on a sprawling, low-slung, semi-buried 'groundscraper'. It is as if one part of the building were intended to be highly visible—an eye-catching icon or sign—and the rest much more hidden and discreet. Moreover, the conspicuous element faces the busy roadway intersection, while the
discreet one opens in the other direction onto a more pedestrian-scaled
public space. It is almost...almost...as if the architects, MBM,
took their cue from the ducks and sheds of 
Las Vegas, stacking these
elements vertically instead of layering them horizontally, as would make sense
in a much denser urban setting. Who would have thought that an important
building on Barcelona’s grand strip would one day take the form of a duck
stapled onto a shed?

[Originally published in Mark Magazine #45]


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